Reinventing Organizations
The Wiki
Initiated with the publication of Frédéric Laloux's book, this space is intended to be a place to share practices that illustrate the "Teal" philosophy. It is the fruit of a network of committed professionals convinced of the power of sharing experiences.
Structures, Processus, pratiques quotidiennes : il s’agit de décrire ce qui se fait, ce qui se vit.
I have the privilege and the joy of leading this international network, an organization that has chosen to live the self-governance, the fullness and to listen to its evolving purpose throughout this journey.
This is an ongoing collaborative project, started in December 2019 in cooperation with Frédéric Laloux.
Des centaines d’organisations pratiquent aujourd’hui au quotidien un mode de fonctionnement de type Opale qui ne demande qu’a être connu, documenté et accessible.
The objective of this project is to redesign the current Wiki platform to facilitate access to process implementation resources and revitalize the sharing of practices.
Don' hesitate toContact Us if you wish to contribute to this project.
Sustainable Management in Public Organizations
European College of Cluny – Local Democracies and Innovation
Laurent Ledoux (ancien président du ministère des transports belge, manager associé au cabinet de conseil Phusis Partners) y présente « Gouvernance Collaborative & Collaborateurs engagés »
Jean-Luc Delpeuch (responsable CCIC) , Gilles Herreros (sociologue du travail et des organisations) et Catherine Garner (experte en recherche et accompagnement de nouveaux paradigmes d’organisation) répondent à Georges Van Billoen (Professeur de Management) aux questions de la définition d’un management soutenable, de ses critères de faisabilité et des voies pour y tendre.
French translation of "Organisationsaufstellung" (Systemic Business Constellation in Organisations)
Making implicit knowledge visible
Translation in partnership with the author Romy Gerhard, HR consultant and coach in Systemic Organizational Constellations.
Romy runs the HRNet consulting firm in Zurich and offers (among other things), through the« We Discover Purpose », initiative a particularly powerful approach to listening to purpose.
Participation in the collaborative subtitling project of the 133 video series "Insights for the Journey".
This video series is the result of reflection and feedback reported by Frédéric 5 years after the release of his bestseller "Reinventing Organizations".
Reinventing Organizations MAP
A map to explain the levels of development in 4 quadrants
Collaboration with the Hungarian consultancy "Integral Hub" to bring out REINVENTING ORGANIZATIONS MAP in French.
This map proposes to gain an awareness of the stages of development of an organization in the four quadrants of the AQAL model.
It enables the questioning and diagnosis of implicit practices and behaviors.
Available on ATLAS platform,this tool is available in free access