European College of Cluny - local democracies and Innovation

TRAINING SEMINAR 24-26 February 2020

TheEuropean College of Clunyis a place for training, research and reflection on local public action, viewed from a European perspective and driven by the spirit of innovation. It is based on the principles of academic excellence, European openness, multidisciplinary and comparative approaches to local action issues across Europe.

Panel Session, cross views on management with Catherine Garner, Gilles Herreros and Laurent Ledoux.

Laurent Ledoux (ancien président du Ministère des Transports belge, manager associé au cabinet de conseil Phusis Partners) y présente « Gouvernance Collaborative & Collaborateurs engagés ».

Jean-Luc Delpeuch (head of CCIC) , Gilles Herreros (sociologist of work and organisations) and Catherine Garner (expert in research and support for new organisational paradigms) answer Georges Van Billoen (Professor of Management) on the definition of sustainable management, its feasibility criteria and ways to achieve it.
